印度因應水產品需求快速成長謀求提升供應量印度水產品出口業聯盟(SEAI)呼籲,該國應提高生產力及經營效能,把握國內外市場對水產品的需求快速成長契機,提升水產品供應量。國家漁業發展委員會(NFDB)的報seo告指出,面臨海洋捕撈漁業,漁獲量呈低迷趨勢,必須尋求其他如深海漁業、淡水及鹹水養殖、魚塭及海洋養殖等資源來增加水產量。NFDB估計印度水產品有60%內銷、7%出口及33%作為其他用途。預估2012年印度水酒店經紀產品需求將達974萬公噸。國際永續發展研究所的報告指出,印度僅有5%的水產品是以加工形式外銷,冷凍原料出口仍為最大宗;印度外銷東南亞的產品逾60%是加工後再出口。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 有巢氏房屋2/2011)FISHERIES PRODUCTION LAGS EXPORTS DEMANDIndia needs to rapidly increase the supply of fish and fishery products to keep pace with the growingdemand in the domestic and G2000international markets. While the global and domestic demand for fish isincreasing rapidly, Indian supply is not keeping pace due to low productivity and lesser operationalefficiency, 帛琉Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) said.According to a report by the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), the marine capture fisheriesis showing a stagnating trend. 酒店經紀Hence, increase in production has to come from alternative sources such asdeep-sea fisheries, freshwater and brackishwater farming, reservoirs and mariculture. NFDB projectionsshow that 酒店經紀the share for fish demand in India is estimated at 60% for domestic consumption, 7% forexports and 33% for other purposes.The projected demand for fish in the country by 2012 is 9.74 訂做禮服million MT.According to an International Institute for Sustainable Development report, barely 5% of India’s seafoodexports are in the processed form. Most exports are in the form of 21世紀房屋仲介frozen raw material products, andmore than 60% of India’s exports to Southeast Asia are re-exported after processing.

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